How can I register?

Registering on our website is very easy and consists of only 2 steps. In the first step you have to fill in the registration form. We will then send you a confirmation email to the email address you used during registration. When you click on the account activation button, you will be automatically redirected to the pages with working ponies.

1. Registration form

On the registration page, which you can find HERE , just fill in the registration form. Choose your login name, for example FirstNameLastName. (Login name cannot contain diacritics or spaces). Enter your first name, last name, email address and we will send you a confirmation email. It is also important to choose your password, which you must enter twice in this form to confirm.

smoke registration

2. Email address confirmation

Once you have completed and submitted the registration form, we will automatically send you an email in which you must confirm your email address by clicking on the orange“Activate Account” button. As soon as you click, you will be redirected to a page with job offers that you can open.

confirmation of email address


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